Sunday 3 April 2011

Salute Short Story Lovers

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening.They say that Short Story is dead. Some say writing itself a dying form. Some others will say everything is already dead. And their statement is to express; we live with carcasses and fossils. Salutation to all those soothsayers and bitter critics. We need not defend anything. Our intention is not to offend even.Better to prove than to argue. With this humblest wish, this Blog takes life to carve out some Timeless short stories. Originals and Multilingual Translations. The Short Stories published in these sites don't claim that these are the greatest. I remember the great boxer who said: “I am the greatest.” Now, these are not such self-proclamations These stories try earnestly try to travel in the great road where many masters have traveledSo with this, I beg your excuse for using your worthy time. Please recommend this site to any of your friends either lovers of Short Stories, or not. Please help them to know how to love this form. Thanks

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